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Why and
Is Yoga?

What does yoga mean?


Yoga means "to yoke" or to "unite".  As a practice it is designed to unite the mind, body and spirit.  Often we think of yoga as only the physical practice of the poses or "asanas" - it is so much more.  We invite you to be open to experiencing this amazing scientific system for achieving total health, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

Is yoga a religion?


Yoga is a philosophy, not a religion.  Yoga does have a spiritual component, as it teaches you to "unionize" the body, mind and spirit. You do not need to be religious to practice.  Yoga aims to put you in touch with your spiritual core—that which or who you truly are.

What are some of the benefits of yoga?


There are many, many benefits to yoga - better sleep, weight loss, increased concentration, greater stamina, stronger muscles and bones, stress reduction...and on.  A regular yoga practice (at least 3x/week) has also been shown to improve the symptoms of many chronic diseases (e.g. arthritis, diabetes, and thyroid disorders).  But, don't take our word for it...test it out...on your mat.

Why do we sing/chant Ohm/Om?


The sound of “om” is actually a-u-m—three separate tones/vibrations and the additional fourth vibration which is the silence that follows. In the yogic tradition, it is considered to be the original sound from which all other sounds emanate. It is the sound of creation and life you hear all around you—the patter of raindrops, the buzz of a bee, the hum of an airplane overhead, the crash of the lightening. In chanting om before or after practice, we are looking to create unity of breath, sound, and vibration, reminding us we are connected to each other. 

What does namaste mean?


"Nama" means bow; "as" means I; and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "I bow to you”.  As we say these words to each other we honor the light that resides within each one of us and connects us all.

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