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HappeningIn My
Yoga Class?

Bee Well Yoga Teachers


Flow (60 mins)

A foundational practice for all-levels focused on breath and movement. Inventive and thoughtful sequences guided by a steady breath to tone and calm the mind. Props are encouraged to facilitate the body's movement into each pose. Emphasis is on clear healthy alignment, breath awareness and simple meditation techniques. There are no prerequisites - you don’t need to be able to touch your toes!

Lunch Flow (45 mins)

A light and fun class that's room temperature so you won't get super sweaty and only 45 minutes so you can squeeze it into your workday. Vinyasa movement for mid-day rejuvenation, breathing techniques for stress relief, and deep stretching to relieve aches and pains make this class perfect for energizing your afternoon. 

Core, Sculpt & Stretch (60 mins)

A strength & conditioning class incorporating small hand weights and kettlebells in addition to dynamic bodyweight movements. All movements will be broken down to make sure everyone is using the equipment safely and effectively. Get ready to move, build strength, and stretch! **Low impact


Flow & Yin (60 mins)

A balance of effort and ease, this class combines the energizing practice of vinyasa (movement with breath) and the grounding practice of yin. The combination of yin and yang sequences will challenge your mental concentration and physical strength in a fun, lighthearted way.

Yin Yummy (60 mins)

Yin Yoga poses apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body - the tendons, fascia, and ligaments - and are held for longer periods of time. The aim is to increase circulation to the joints and improve flexibility and range of motion. Yin is the perfect compliment to a Power Flow - it is "duration over sensation," so you may not feel that stretch when you first get into a pose, but you will have a deeper release as you relax into it.  Yin Yummy is a delicious way to find wellness on your mat.  Yummy!  **Great for runners, bikers, triathletes, cross-fitters, world travelers,  and anyone who has tight hips and/or low back pain.


Sound Immersion/Gong Savasana (60 mins) 

This class is a deeply-immersive, full-body listening experience that intentionally uses the sacred sound of the gong to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture the mind and body. The experience is guided lying down or seated in a comfortable position, often with a blanket, bolster and an eye pillow. When you surrender to the sound of the gong, you allow your brain waves to slow, shifting from a more active state to a more relaxed state, or even a dreamlike state.

Relax & Restore (60 mins)

True relaxation can be elusive. Most people don't spend a lot of time practicing this essential skill. Relax and Restore is meant to cultivate that practice - the practice of conscious relaxation. Floor poses with long holds and lots of props will allow your body to open up more deeply, provide the perfect antidote to stress, fight fatigue and improve sleep. 

Prenatal Yoga (60 - 75 mins)**

This practice is safe and healthy for you and your developing baby, can help form and strengthen the child/mother bond, create community with other pregnant women and prepare you for childbirth. You will learn how to bring awareness to your body through strengthening poses, breath awareness, vocal toning, stretching and mindfulness exercises.


**This class is included as part of a 4 or 6 week workshop 

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